Society of SinnersThe Society of Sinners

by Charity Parkerson

  • Print:
  •  ISBN-10: 1475091648
  • ISBN-13: 978-1475091649

Kindle ASIN – B0053482GW

Publisher: Punk & Sissy Publications

Released May 27, 2011

Blurb: “Evil lives in the dark.  We instinctively know this as children.”
Nestled high in the mountains…
The quiet community of Jackson Station is where everyone knows your name and…species?
Vampires have existed since almost the beginning of time, but not in the way we have been led to believe. These were not men cursed by the devil but warriors blessed by God to have great strength, agility, and eternal life.
Eternal life came at a price, the price of human blood. Some chose to live within their own society; The Society of Sinners.


Next time Cherish awoke, the house stood silent as a tomb. Trailing from room to room, she searched for Jazz, finding him on his knees before the fireplace. His head was bowed and his lips moved in a silent prayer. He made no move to acknowledge her presence, so she sank down onto the couch, watching. The nights were getting colder and the fireplace was lit. The reflection of its flames danced across the planes of Jazz’s back.

She knew there were many religions practiced all around the world, but this was her first time witnessing such devout prayer. Curling onto her side, she used her hands to pillow her head not wanting to disturb him during the process she found so fascinating. She possessed a strong faith in God before her death, but afterwards, God had abandoned her. His lips froze and his head lifted as if hearing her thoughts. “God did not abandon you. He has missed the sound of your voice.” He returned to his prayer, leaving Cherish stunned.

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 Author bio:

Charity Parkerson was born in Tennessee, where she still lives with her husband and two sons.  She is the author of several books including twelve Amazon bestsellers.

Her “Sinners series” was voted one of the top ten best books by an Indie author in 2011- Paranormal Romance Reads

She was named as one of the top three Indie authors of 2012- The Book Connection  

She is a member of The Paranormal Romance Guild, is a Goodreads moderator, a member of Coffee Time Romance, and co-host of The Melissa Craig and Charity Parkerson show.

She won author of the week in August of 2011, and is a three-time winner of The Mistress of the Darkpath.