1st installment of the serial
First Reader Acknowledgement
Today My Familiar Stranger made it to ebooks #41 in the entirety of the genre of ROMANCE – not just Paranormal Romance. It’s impossible to say how gratifying that is.
The first person to read My Familiar Stranger was my daughter, Kelly. The next day after I gave it to her she called and simply said, “I want more.” My first thought was that I had accidentally sent her a chapter, or maybe three chapters, instead of the whole manuscript which is 111,378 words as opposed to the typical 80,000 words for paranormal romance novels.
As it turned out, she read through the day and through the night without stopping. As an avid reader of fiction, she said I should be very flattered that this is only the second book – in her life – that she couldn’t put down. Naturally I thought she was being supportive and encouraging. Now that reviews are starting to trickle in, and others say the same thing – that they couldn’t put it down – I’m beginning to believe that she wasn’t just being kind.
If you enjoyed My Familiar Stranger, please click here and leave your review.
You may feel like other people have already said it all, but people often buy books just by the total number of positive reviews without even reading any. It’s the standard for recognition.
If you’ve already left a review, thank you. It’s very much appreciated.