Sep 11, 2013 Bleumoon 5 of 5 stars

You don’t read Victoria’s books, you experience them.


The tapestry that Victoria has woven with these stories and people is so stunningly brilliant and at the same time rich with deep undertones that you can not help but fall in love.

Victoria’s books get under your skin.  They work their way into your heart and you fall in love…

in love with these honorable Knights and Ladies… in love with the depth of love that is shared between husbands and wives…
in love with their too adorable babies…
in love with young men training and learning about honor…
in love with people who don’t know the meaning of the word…

The honor of these Knights, and Knights in training, is astounding.  I finished this book through a haze of tears that I was constantly batting away so I could continue reading about some of my most favorite characters… no people, to call them characters cheapens the experience.

Then before you know it they get into your head and make you think… This book has me thinking about honor and what it means to me and what I have passed on to my own sons… I believe if my sons were transported to this dimension they would be right at home with the Black Swans (especially my second son).  And this is another reason I love these books, when I have read the last page I am no where near done…

Now I am going to go blow my nose and dry my eyes and meditate some more on honor and bravery and love. It’s an honor to be a beta reader for these books.

Like Water for Chocolate…

waterforchocolateTwenty years ago I saw a Mexican movie (with subtitles) entitled Like Water for Chocolate. It is a story of unrequieted love, maternal malice, and the courage necessary to quietly endure. One of the things that made an impression on me was the folklore principle that the emotions of the cook are mystically transferred into the food she is cooking.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pg_Mr4lIoY Like Water for Chocolate video clip

Perhaps there is some truth to the idea that the cook’s emotions become part of the recipe. And perhaps it works the same with writing.

Beta readers for Gathering Storm are reporting that this installment has left them with emotion hanging on for some time after the last word is read and the book is closed . Nothing could be more pleasing to an author because, when all is distilled down to the core, writers should be aiming at one of two targets, the evocation of thought or emotion. While I confess to going for both, I see my principal task as drawing forth emotion. Isn’t the prospect of feeling our motivation for reading? That reminder of aliveness?

If you received an early readers’ copy of Gathering Storm and you are one of those who has mentioned tissues, be assured that the writer is in that with you. During the writing of this book, there were several times my spouse came in to find me red faced and wrecked because of a scene I was writing or had just written. These incidents weren’t always about sorrow. Some of them were simply an emotion so big and full my body couldn’t contain it and had to find release in some way. There were a couple of times during the writing of A Summoner’s Tale when I cried to the point of having to stop because I couldn’t see the monitor screen.

Five books into my latest job – writing fiction – I recognize this as part of my process. If something makes me laugh, it’s probably going to get that response from some of my readers. If I shed tears, chances are that emotion is going to transfer to the story, rise from the page and have a similar effect on my sensitive readers. (And I use the term “sensitive” in a totally good way.) All this is to say that I share more than words on a page with you; when reporting on events in Loti Dimension, I am a third party observer but not a dispassionate one.

– Victoria

The Gathering Storm Tour

BBTGathering Storm Button 300 x 225

9/18: Fangs, Wands, and Fairy Dust Exlusive Pre-Release stop. Review and Interview with Deliverance.

9/19: Coffee Addicted Writer Blog  Book Spotlight.

9/19: A Tale of Two Books Promo and Book Review.

9/19: Paranormal Romance Fans for Life Interview.

9/19: Nerd Girl Release Day Blitz.

9/20: Indy Book Fairy Promo with Interview.

9/20: Quill or Pill Interview.

9/23: Between the Bind Book Review.

9/24: The Seraphine Muse Interview.

9/25: Romance Book Junkies Interview.

9/26: Diane’s Book Blog Interview.

9/27: Paranormal Haven Promo.

9/27: The Simple Things in Life Interview.

9/28: Reviewing in Chaos Promo.

10/01: Books, Books, and More Books Book Review.

10/01: Eclipse Reviews Interview.

10/02: Roxanne’s Realm Interview.

10/03: Butterly-o-Meter Books Interview.

10/03: Paranormal Romance and Authors that Rock Promo.




10/04: The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom Interview.

10/05: Tiffy Fit Promo.

10/06: Books N’ Things Promo and Book Review.

10/07: All I Want and More Interview.

10/07: The Reading Cafe Feature and Book Review.

10/08:  The Wormhole Book Blog Feature and Book Review.

10/10: Romance with Flavor Interview.

10/14: Bookworm Bridgette’s World Interview.

10/16: Bitten by Love Interview and Book Review.

10/17: Pembroke Sinclair Interview.

Series Tour Schedule UPCOMING





7/16: Books N’ Things http://www.mybooksnthings.com Promo Spot Re

7/17: Meredith’s Musings http://meredithraemusings.blogspot.com/ Character Spotlight

7/18: Bookaroo-Ju http://www.bookarooju.wordpress.com Character Spotlight

7/19: Moonlight Gleam http://www.moonlightgleam.com Guest Post

7/20: BBL Reviews http://www.bittenbylovereviews.com/ Promo

7/22: Total Eclipse Reviews http://totaleclipsereviews.blogspot.com Character Interview

7/23: Paranormal Book Club http://www.paranormal-bookclub.com Promo Spot

7/24: Jessica Loves Books http://www.jessicalovesbooks.com Guest Post

7/25: Books, Books, and More Books http://booksbooksmorebooks.blogspot.com/ Character Spotlight

7/26: Penny For Them http://pennyforthem1.blogspot.co.uk/ Promo Spot

7/26: Words of Wisdom from The Scarf http://wowfromthescarfprincess.blogspot.com promo

7/29: Rants and Scribbles http://rantsnscribbles.blogspot.ca/ Character Spotlight

7/29: Reader’s Edyn http://readersedyn.blogspot.com guest post

7/30: It’s Raining Books http://www.its-raining-books.blogspot.com Interview

7/30: Simply Infatuated http://www.simplyinfatuated.com guest post

7/31: Bea’s Book Nook http://beasbooknook.blogspot.com Character Spotlight

8/01: The Bookish Howl http://thebookishowl.wordpress.com/ Character Spotlight

8/01: From Meredith Allard www.meredithallard.com guest post

8/02: Fictional Candy http://www.fictionalcandy.com Character Spotlight

8/03: Andi’s Book Review. http://andisbookreviews.blogspot.com interview

8/05: Books Things and More http://www.bookishthingsandmore.com Guest Post

12 Days to the Full Moon Challenge Question

MoonlightCover600x800FORMER WINNERS and STREET TEAM MEMBERS ARE INELIGIBLE. I promised you a harder question today and here it is. It’s a short exchange between two people.

Who is Person #1: “Do you remember when I buzzed my hair and bleached it platinum blonde?”

Who is Person #2:  “You looked ridiculous.”

Person #1: “Okay. How do I look now?”

PRIZE: An advance e-copy of Moonlight.


There were no winners. The correct answer was… #1: Storm, #2: Sol

By |2019-03-25T18:04:44-05:00May 13th, 2013|Moonlight: The Big Bad Wolf|7 Comments

Author's Review of A Summoner's Tale and PROFILE of a Black Swan Reader

Beautiful Black SwanPUBLISHED ON GOODREADS ON 1/20/2013.

I suppose it now qualifies as a tradition that I write a review of my own book. In some ways this is the most fun – the cherry on top of the very mixed bag of being an author. Was that a messy metaphor? Oh, yeah. One of the great things about accumulating a little recognition is gaining permission to break some rules.

Baka’s story has been like a pressure cooker in my chest for the past several months. Getting it out there is a marvelous relief because now I’m no longer the only one who knows where we were headed. While preparations have been laid in these first three books for some of the other stories that follow, I don’t expect any future installments to take the emotional toll that this book did.

A Summoner’s Tale is dark, not in the sense of blood and gore, but in the sense of physical, psychic, and emotional pain along with the scariest thing any human ever confronts, that – from beginning through middle to end, no matter how we may try to fool ourselves into thinking otherwise – we are alone. Is the subject matter and treatment deeper than one normally encounters in paranormal romance? Yes. BUT, I insist on my Happily Ever After endings. I’m hopelessly romantic, thoroughly American, and possibly suffering from arrest of development at around age three when my dad would laugh at me for requesting to hear “Snow White” every night.

In a sense this book is also a test of readership. If you have read all three books and are in for a fourth, then we, as reader and author, are a match because each of these first three books is very different.

I’m in the process of building a PROFILE OF A BLACK SWAN READER.  Here’s what I’ve got so far.
1. A Black Swan reader is literate. Someone asked me once for the grade level equivalent of my books. I didn’t know, but was directed to some online testers that can be used to determine that. I discovered that my books read at the 9th-11th grade level. I was horrified. Then I spent half a day testing about fifteen celebrity PNR authors. The typical rank was 3rd – 7th grade although two or three made it all the way to 6th – 8th. That’s why I believe I can make the claim that Black Swan readers are comparatively literate. To illustrate, let me cite a quote from Reviewing in Chaos: “Let me just say SQUEEEEE!”

2. A Black Swan reader appreciates descriptive detail. – Black Swan readers don’t see description as unnecessary and superfluous. They understand that it’s the details that layer richness and depth into the story. They also have the maturity to know that patience brings greater rewards.

For example, here is a quote from Booked and Loaded, my favorite so far:

As multiple stories are seemingly unrelated, each brings with it a new dimension that begins to form a pattern that slowly leads all players to one key game, one final showdown to succeed and emerge intact. It is the chase to the end, the multiple and variant tensions, the characters that have become your friends, your heroes and your entertainment keep you reading long past bedtime and into the night – for you need to know how it all ends.

3. A Black Swan reader values characterization and believes that who characters are is as important – if not moreso – than what they do.

All the characters are amazing, strong, handsome, loyal, and married to women who are their equals. – Linda Tonis, The Paranormal Romance Guild.

4. A Black Swan reader is receptive to new experience. In other words, Black Swan readers don’t either want or demand the same plug-in-character’s-name-here, I-could-pie-chart-the-formula story over and over again.

To all of you who fit this profile, thank you. What would I do without you?

Victoria175 – Victoria

highlight book title to see on Amazon


Not Too Late 1. Midlife Magic

Not Too Late 2. Midlife Blues

Not Too Late. 3. Midlife Mojo

Not Too Late 4. Midlife at Midnight

Not Too Late 5. Midlife at Midsummer

Not Too Late 6. Trials of Tregeagle

Not Too Late 7.  Hallow Hill at Halloween – Part One 

Not Too Late 8. Hallow Hill at Halloween – Part Two


Knights of Black Swan 1. My Familiar Stranger

Knights of Black Swan 2. The Witch’s Dream

Knights of Black Swan 3. A Summoner’s Tale

Knights of Black Swan 4. Moonlight

Knights of Black Swan 5. Gathering Storm

Knights of Black Swan 6. A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Knights of Black Swan 7. Solomon’s Sieve

Knights of Black Swan 8. Vampire Hunter

***Be sure to pause the series and read  Exiled 1. CARNAL before going on to Journey Man.

Knights of Black Swan 9. Journey Man

Knights of Black Swan 10. Falcon

Knights of Black Swan 11. Jax

Knights of Black Swan 12. Trespass

Knights of Black Swan 13. Irish War Cry

Knights of Black Swan 14.  Deliverance

Knights of Black Swan 15. Black Dog

Knights of Black Swan 16. The Music Demon

Order of the Black Swan Novels

Black Swan Novel Prince of Demons


Witches of Wimberley 1-3

Warlock Coven 1.QUEST


Exiled 1. CARNAL

Exiled 2. CRAVE

Exiled 3. CHARMING


New Scotia Pack 1, Shield Wolf

New Scotia Pack 2. Wolf Lover

New Scotia Pack 3. Fire Wolf

Hotblooded 1. Stalk


SSMC Austin, TX, Book 1. Two Princes

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 2. The Biker’s Brother

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 3. Nomad

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 4. Devil’s Marker

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 5. Roadhouse

CDMC Lafayette, LA Book 1. Batiste