Added link to great blog…

Great for writers and readers, too.
Just discovered Writing with Hallie Chandler. Great for writers and readers, too.
Great for writers and readers, too.
Just discovered Writing with Hallie Chandler. Great for writers and readers, too.
In response to a comment from a reader received this morning, I decided to write a quick update on Book Two: The Witch’s Dream.
My target for release is mid October, but, if I enter into a contract to publish in print form as well as electronic, there might be a slight delay. I will post developments on this blog.
To Jen – I hope you always finish reading my books tapping foot impatiently for the next one. Thank you for the feedback. It keeps me typing.
Update to my announcement a couple of weeks ago that we are going with exclusively. For those of you who want to read My Familiar Stranger on devices other than Kindle… here’s the solution.
Today My Familiar Stranger made it to ebooks #41 in the entirety of the genre of ROMANCE – not just Paranormal Romance. It’s impossible to say how gratifying that is.
The first person to read My Familiar Stranger was my daughter, Kelly. The next day after I gave it to her she called and simply said, “I want more.” My first thought was that I had accidentally sent her a chapter, or maybe three chapters, instead of the whole manuscript which is 111,378 words as opposed to the typical 80,000 words for paranormal romance novels.
As it turned out, she read through the day and through the night without stopping. As an avid reader of fiction, she said I should be very flattered that this is only the second book – in her life – that she couldn’t put down. Naturally I thought she was being supportive and encouraging. Now that reviews are starting to trickle in, and others say the same thing – that they couldn’t put it down – I’m beginning to believe that she wasn’t just being kind.
If you enjoyed My Familiar Stranger, please click here and leave your review.
You may feel like other people have already said it all, but people often buy books just by the total number of positive reviews without even reading any. It’s the standard for recognition.
If you’ve already left a review, thank you. It’s very much appreciated.
NEW REVIEW from Carole Dee of the Bitten by Paranormal Romance blog.
FIVE STARS. My Familiar Stranger was a wonderfully engrossing paranormal romance with just a dash of science fiction that grabbed me from page one and didn’t let go!
Ms. Danann absolutely knows how to get a series going. My Familiar Stranger created a captivating new world with so many possibilities. With elves, beserkers, fairies, vampires and who knows what else running around a society parallel to our own there is so much potential! The world building was awesome. Through Danann’s vivid descriptions I felt like I could actually see The Order’s lavish headquarters and the creepy but whimsical Romanian stronghold.
I don’t want to give too much away, but watching the relationships build between Elora and the B-Team was magical. This is no “wham-bam, I’m instantly in love with you” book. The relationships progress over time which makes it that much more heartbreaking when you realize that Elora will have to choose between honoring a debt, true love, or true lust. But fear not, Elora gets her happily ever after just like in her favorite….er….I mean elf tales.
My Familiar Stranger quickly turned into the kind of book that left my husband and son eating pizza for dinner. Who has time to cook when you could be reading a great book instead?
Go ahead and get your pizza coupons handy and start reading My Familiar Stranger now, you won’t be disappointed.
If you are looking for a strong partnership between men and women in a modern world reimagined to be the best of what we could be mixed with magic, science, vampires, elves, love and adventure then don’t miss this book.
….Warning, start reading it when you have time to read for hours because having to put it down will make you grumpy. –Paula
I was asked to participate in a giveaway at a popular blog. Part of the fun was coming up with a challenge question. Being somewhat literate, I’m aware that men have been struggling with the question, “What do women want?” since the beginning of recorded history. Great thinkers such as Plato and Freud have tried and failed to come up with the answer.
I know the answer to that question, as do all fans of paranormal romance. You may not have articulated it, but you know what it is. If you want to take a stab at expressing it, let me know.
Actually had a dream last night about a dream sequence for the book The Witch’s Dream. This is the sort of synchronicitous event that keeps me excited because it’s the gentle nudge that says, “Yes. You’re on the right path. Don’t chase rabbits or venture off into the shadows of the forest. Just stay on the road until you’re there.”
Am vowing to split my writing time between Seasons 2013 and The Witch’s Dream so that I meet the Seasons of the Witch deadline and still make progress on delightful-to-write fiction. I figure if I post it publicly, then I have to do it. Right?
Hey Everybody –
As you know, I’m working at being about the walk as well as the talk. The talk being for which I write the entire course curriculum.
I always wanted to play in a rock band so I spent a year doing that. Now I’m managing Houston’s Premier Variety Band.
I’m not calling this a “bucket list” because I think it shifts the emphasis to finality rather than celebration. So I’m simply calling this “The List of Things I Must Accomplish In This Lifetime”. Next on that list is writing a paranormal romance series. The first installment is available on Amazon.Com in e-book form . Official release date is Saturday’s full moon – April 21, 2012. A separate website has been established for promoting the series along with this blog at
Several years ago a person I respect and admire happened to say that a culture is changed through its stories (fiction) and not its facts. This book is a stand-alone novel that also sets the foundation for the series in place. Please be aware that this is a fantasy work of fiction for mature persons. As the series progresses I will be interweaving some of my own real life experiences in the occult and expressing some of the profound lessons that can come from the study of esoterica.
The second book in the series – The Witch’s Dream – is blocked, outlined and ready for me to fill in blanks with what my husband likes to call “all my spare time”. Before I set a release date I must turn my attention to the 2013 version of Seasons of the Witch (due this summer) or else thousands of customers will be coming this way with torches and pitchforks.