Victoria's Calendar

wickedwomenbannerAPRIL 21ST – APRIL 27TH

Monday, April 21st will kick off a week long celebration of Black Swan with reviews and giveaways. ending with a blog takeover on April 27th.


3:00 pm to 6:00 pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)

2:00 pm  to 5:00 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time)

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm MDT (Mountain Daylight Time)

12:00 pm to 3:00 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)





APRIL FOOLS TAKEOVER of Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock

Par Romance  and Authors That RockOn Tuesday, April 1st Victoria will take over

Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock on Facebook

3:00 pm to 6:00 pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)

2:00 pm  to 5:00 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time)

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm MDT (Mountain Daylight Time)

12:00 pm to 3:00 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)

Prizes, chat, surprise character visits, trivia, Victoria’s favorite music and SURPRISE GUEST CELEBRITIES!!!


Welcome to my stop on the Seriously Shifter GIVEAWAY Hop.

Late summer I will be launching a new series entitled Exiled.

Following is the introduction that was given in Book 6 of the Knights of Black Swan, A Tale of Two Kingdoms.

Rosie had waited on a tabletop boulder on a windswept mountaintop of Prescient Dimension where she went when she needed to contact Kellareal for longer than usual. She explained that she wanted a change of environment, where she could take a break from her life and rethink the direction of things.

She knew she’d pushed things with Glen, but she also knew that, despite her feelings and desires to the contrary, the relationship wasn’t serious and wasn’t going to be. Not for a while. He’d made his decision. He was going wherever Z Team went and at least she had enough pride to know she wasn’t going to follow along like a camp whore. Even if he’d let her. Which he probably wouldn’t.

So she’d take a lesson from that and maybe look for a little adventure of her own while she was young. While she was young.

The breeze that blew her wild hair back from her face grew a little softer. Kellareal appeared to float down from the sky wearing a long white robe that billowed around him, arms outstretched as if inviting embrace, and landed in front of her soundlessly. She knew he would want to be congratulated on the theater, so she clapped. He bowed.

“Lally. How long do you think I’m going to live?”

“You called me for that?” He picked up a pebble, sat down beside her, and threw it out over the canyon overlook. “We may have to rethink your summoning privilege if you’re going to abuse it, young lady.”

“No, that’s not why I called, but since you’re here…”

“Well, your elemental side is very long lived, meaning eons. Your human side is cursed with short life under the best of circumstances. Then there is the issue of fragility, the moment to moment uncertainty, the… risk, if you will, of being human. I tell you, it causes me to marvel constantly at their courage. Living under those circumstances, I’m not sure that I wouldn’t just curl into a ball and hope for sudden death to put an end to the suspense.”

“If they only knew how cynical real angels sound, you would never get your own TV shows.”

“Hmmm. No doubt.” He grinned. “But a few feather sightings would bring them right back around.”

Rosie giggled. “You’re hopeless.”

“And is that why you wanted to see me?”

“No. I need to get out of town for a while, change of scenery. Maybe I need to broaden my experience.”

“Get out of town,” he repeated drily. “What does your mother think of this?”

“She thinks she can get in touch with you if there’s an emergency and that you’ll know where to find me.”

The angel pursed his lips, stood and paced for a while. “Vacations are fun. Sabbaticals are informative. Quests are enlightening, sometimes cathartic. Retreats are rejuvenating. Treks are adventurous. This?” He stopped and looked at Rosie. “This sounds like running away. Hard to put a noble spin on running away.”

“I’m not necessarily asking for your blessing, Lally. Just a place to…”


Rosie flushed. “It’s a favor.”

Kellareal looked at her for a long time. “I can’t decide without hearing the whole story. I want to know exactly what it is you’re running from and what you’re hoping to gain.”

By the time Rosie finished spelling it out, she was sorry she had started the whole thing. Spelling out what had brought her to that mountaintop sounded spoiled, selfish, childish and silly, even to herself as she said it. She supposed that was one of the angel’s goals in having her connect the dots out loud. She hoped that the worst of it, humiliation-wise, was over.

“Have you thought about how long you want to be away?”

She hadn’t thought about it.

“Do I have to decide that now?”

“No. I suppose you can do a pay-as-you-go plan.”

“Wait. What do you mean pay-as-you-go?”

The angel took her elbow and pulled her to her feet. Standing several inches taller, he looked down into her face. “You’re right, Elora Rose. It is time for you to learn something of the world. First lesson, nothing’s free.”

A few minutes later they were standing on the periphery of an enclosure – a crude, gray stone wall. From what Rosie could see, there were homes and buildings built around a park-like commons area with sparse gas lighting, but the overall impression of the place was of a fort. Through a break in the wall that formed a gate with iron bars, she could see that they were on a hilltop overlooking the lights of a large town.

The air was scented with the welcoming smell of wood burning fires releasing white smoke into the atmosphere. The prominent feature of the compound was a long row of motorcycles, some of which had parts shiny enough to reflect in the cold moonlight.

beast background“Where are we?” Rosie asked.

“It’s a project of mine, Rosie. A secret. You can’t ever tell anyone.”



“I do.”

“They’re what’s left of Telstar.”

“Telstar? Isn’t that one of those worlds that went crazy with genetic engineering?”

“I guess it depends on what you mean by ‘went crazy’.”

“Okay. Let me put it this way. You start out with a wolf. You end up with a Shih Tzu or a Pug. You start out with a human, you end up with a …”

“The flaw in your argument is the owners of dogs like that would say they’re an improvement on the prototype.”

Rosie blinked. “So you’re saying you’re taking me to a place where I should be prepared for…” She left the end of that sentence for him to fill in the blank.

“Okay. Consider this your briefing in a nutshell. There were some experiments that went on for a couple of generations. People became concerned and even invoked religious invective to fuel a movement to eradicate all the produce of the experiment.”

“Produce?” He nodded. “You mean the people?”

“That is what I mean and I, ah, intervened. I saw an opportunity to solve two problems. There was a group of people here in need of protection, which is one of the ways Telstar skills might be used. This group was under threat of genocide. I knew the Telstar survivors would relate. So I paired them with the humans that needed them. “

He waved his hand at the darkness. “It’s pretty here. This dimension hasn’t been ruined yet. Lots of everything. Gives them a chance.” He looked at Rosie. “You know?”

“Wasn’t that against some rule?”

The angel pursed his lips and heaved a big sigh. “Rules need to be placed in the context of knowing the rule makers. And their agenda.”

Rosie studied his face in the darkness. “Lally, you’re an anarchist.”

“Guess that depends on who you talk to.”

“Are there others?”

“Other elementals who think like I do?” She nodded. “Yeah. Anyway. They’ve been here for a while now. Some have started families. Their own take on culture is starting to emerge. Interesting to watch. The one in charge of the place is a nice fellow with a nice family. Owes me a favor. Simple as that.”

“Does everybody in the multiverse owe you a favor?”

His mouth twitched at the corner as he looked down at her. “Working on it.” His eyes drifted back to the settlement. Rosie thought she saw a hint of pride. Proud sponsor perhaps.

“This could be a good place to get your thoughts sorted out. They’ll give you a job and who knows? Maybe a new perspective. So welcome to the EC. That’s what they call it, short for Exile Camp. By the way, don’t mention Telstar. They don’t like to be reminded. I don’t blame them. They left that behind to start a new life.” He turned to face Rosie. “A new world really.”

She looked around again. “What’s with the motorcycles?”

His expression was definitely sheepish. “Oh, they, the Telstar, like them. A lot. So they became part of our arrangement. I made an adjustment to the engines so they’ll run on water and threw tools and maintenance stuff in with the deal.”

“Are you saying that they’re weren’t motorcycles here before?”

“No. Every dimension develops differently. You know that.”

“Well, yes… So how did you get motorcycles here?”

He laughed. “Rode them.”

“You did not.”

He nodded, grinning. “One at a time.”

“I didn’t know you could ride a motorcycle through the passes.”

“For all I know, I’m the only one who knows it. Let’s keep it that way. Okay?”

She shrugged. “Okay. What do they look like?”

“Look like?” Kellareal laughed out loud. “Oh, sweet baby.”



One signed copy of MOONLIGHT: The Big Bad Wolf. Winner of the REVIEWERS CHOICE AWARDS  Best Vampire~Shifter Novel of 2013, the Paranormal Romance Guild.2013PRG1st place High Res

For a chance to win, leave a comment telling me why you’d like a signed copy of Moonlight.

THANK YOU for visiting my stop on the hop. To continue go here…

Black Swan Emotion Quotient? SURVEY SAYS…

My most emotional writing moments…

Perhaps it won’t surprise you that many of them conform to your most emotional reading moments.

There have been three times that I have cried so hard, when writing, that I couldn’t see the PC screen and had to take breaks to get through the scene. 1. Elora’s dolmen labor. 2. Kris Falcon getting a medal. 3. When Storm sees Rosie on a San Francisco street corner and says, “I missed it.”

The sexiest moments I ever wrote were both in My Familiar Stranger. 1. Elora: If you bite me, I will stake you. Baka: If I bite you, I’ll stake myself.  2. Ram tries to draw Elora back into the New Forest cottage. He rubs the collar of her sweater between his fingers and says, “Soft.”

There have been a few times that I have made myself laugh. Baka’s enjoyment of the alley scene wherein he blabs about Elora taking out a vamp with a toothpick. Another not mentioned here, at Derry when Kay has tried to cover up a blunder and tells his sister that his reference to Baka as a vampire is an inside joke. Baka says, “Indeed. Nothing says funny like vampire.”

This was the question as posed on author and fan page on Facebook.

What was your MOST emotional moment in the whole Knights of Black Swan series? (laughter, tears, shock, etc.)

Can’t tell you how much fun I had reading the responses. There were nearly seventy answers in all. Here are the results. I have included a smattering of comments. If yours isn’t here, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t great. We just got a lot.


9. Elora finding out she was pregnant. (Book 1)

Yvette Nakita Clark When ram and Elora find out they are pregnant! I mean come on a baby ram? That would make any woman cry!

8. Spaz on the intercom. (Book 5)

Teri Brittin laughter … Spaz over the PA system 🙂  I was rolling

7. Storm waiting at the wall for Litha. (Book 2)

Laurie Johnson When Storm goes everyday and sits at the wall waiting for Litha to return. Broke my heart to see this tough alpha going through all that emotional turmoil!

6 CREATION: Prologue to A Tale of Two Kingdoms. (Book 6)

Anna Salamatin Jaw dropping moment…”Creation” when I realized what the project really was and that Dr.Pierce had set up the misfit group of seven to fail!  It was a true.  W.T.F? Moment for me. I actually had to go back and read that whole thing again.

5. Sol’s death. (Book 5)

Anna-Marie Coomber My best part was how Rosie was born,  I laughed out loud at that.  My biggest sheck was when Sol died I cried my eyes out.

Ann Ellis I really thought the fighting scenes at the academy in “Gathering Storm” were funny, tense and sad. Also when everyone got the news that Sol was dead was a tear jerker for me.

4. The trainees being honored for heroism. (Book 5)

Terry McHone There were incredible highs and devastating lows, but when Elora decided to honor her trainees for their courage and their willingness to die for her and she asked Kris to say something… that was it. He could not find the words and for that moment I felt so bad for him, until all the trainees leapt out to surround him. There was that next gen of knights already formed, and i cried.

Mountain Crew Book 5, when the boys get recognition for what they did!

3. Elora leaving Storm for Ram. (Book 1)

Randy Abend When Elora kisses Storm at the airport and realizes she loves Ram and has to travel to Rammel and the finally meet at Rams home, and she questions herself, but Ram knows what to do. So awesome.

Lindsay Thompson I was so shocked when Elora left with Storm, at first and then realized it was Ram she was meant to be with.

The most emotional for me was when Elora told Ram she wasn’t picking him. I think I died inside! – Sarah, Assistant to Victoria


Debera A. Smith OK, so this is really harder than I thought. There are so many that as soon as I think of one I thinks of others. I laughed hysterically ove the toothpick scene and Storm waiting by the wall for Litha tore at my heart. But, I think I am going with the whole story line from when Elora tells Storm she can’t go with him that she loves Ram. Through her making the long trip to him and her fear when she    finds the cottage empty. Right up and through the love scene when Ram finally arrives and has to convince her again to stay.I think I held my breath the first time I read it until they were finally in bed!! And with that story line I laughed and cried and even both at once. SO, that is it!!

2.  Storm missing Rosie’s childhood. (Book 5)

Shanna Rankin Mine was when Storm was in the different dimension and couldn’t get back. I balled my eyes out cause he was missing out on seeing Rosie grow up and all those special moments.

Nelta Baldwin Mathias In GS when Deliverance loses Storm and he misses out on Rosie’s growing up….all I could think about was how he had wanted to teach her to ride a bike….broke my heart..

Diane Nix When Litha realized how much of their child’s development that Storm would miss while he was in another dimension.  Not only is it hard to lose your mate, worse when you know your mate is out there, wanting to get back, and your child has to grow up without a parent.

1. Elora giving birth in the wolves’ dolmen den. (Book 3)

Gemma Hopgood  My most emotional moment was when Elora was Trying to defend herself against the assassins sent from her own dimension to kill her, whilst heavily pregnant. She was taken in by the wolves who looked after her and the coming baby as she laboured without Ram, battered & bleeding from the fight, emotionally and physically drained from the labour so far thinking that he would not be able to find her! Believing she and the baby would die. The moment he found her and their hands touched I was in floods of tears! Softy I know!!

Tara L Cribb Absolutely hands down when Elora is fighting the assasins and the Wolves defend her and she gives birth to Helm injured and hurt. I was ugly crying and could not stop reading.

Rose Holub I think my favorite part was in A Summoner’s Tale when Elora goes into labor.What she goes through & who she is with is one of the most moving parts of the whole series to me. I have a profound love of wolves so that part of the story (& what led up to it) is very moving for me.

Pam James When Elora was Having Helm with the wolves protecting her. I was crying so hard. Then the Black Swan Knights came to rescue her. So Very emotional! (in A Summoners Tale)

Kriss Mosconi It has to be Elora having the baby in the wolves den by herself. Hurt and in pain then going into labor. Talk about edge of your seat.


A. Gathering Storm is the most emotional book. Four out of the top nine answers came from events in Book 5.

B. When reporting emotion, you chose crying over laughter or surprise. Seven out of the top nine answers referred to tear spillage.

C. The #1 event received TWICE as many votes as #2. In other words, it won by a landslide.

In a class by itself.

1375256_669885726368817_563616439_nTHE FAMOUS


I admit to being clueless the first time a fan asked for a photo with me and a toothpick. LOL – Victoria

Cheryl Lewis Fennimore I think the toothpick scene has to be my all time favorite.  I wanted to stand up and cheer “Hell Yeah Elora; give ’em wood for me too!”

Eleanor Allen-Jenkins Laughter – Bakka’s uncontrollable laughter & taking notes when Elora killed a vampire with a toothpick!

Karin Vaughan Sedor I agree with Eleanor Allen-Jenkins as to the toothpick scene. I could just see them all standing there while Baka explained the whole event. That made me laugh so hard bout peed my pants.

p.s. Somebody always has to be different…

Fawn Phillips I think we all agree that these books have such a wide array of emotions that you feel as you read them. For me tho, one silly little part really stuck with me in Moonlight. A scene that had me rereading and laughing just because: “As to whether or not I’m here willingly…” She cocked her hip, put her hand there, and used a bored monotone to say, “Help. I’ve been kidnapped by a werewolf and there’s no escape.”

Rebecca Stigers The fight at Jefferson Unit when the Z team ignored Elora made me so mad I wanted to kick them and then I got happy when the young Vamp’s locked them in the pen that Blackie use to stay in! Now that made it all better!

Patricia Smith How about when Ram needed a paper bag to breathe in when Elora met Baka for the first time! ….snickers…Big bad man of B Team! Lol That was classic!!

Shannon Cutrer Armstrong When Storm proposes to Litha at Kay and Kindra’s wedding and he wants to get married right now!  I was was crying tears of joy.

Bobbi Kinion A Tale of Two Kingdoms when Duff and Aelsong are forced to stay away from each other and then finally being able to be with each other only to be ripped apart again just because of a war between their kind was so heart wrenching.

Mich Burr I was an emotional wreck whilst reading what happens to baka and how he was changed and the things he did 🙁

Tina Talkington When I realized I was reading a ‘romance’ novel….and actually enjoying it…getting into the characters and breathlessly waiting for the next chapter.


Valentines COVER REVEAL – Black Swan #7


Cover Reveal for BLACK SWAN #7.

I promised an announcement with the cover reveal and here it is.

As some of you know, I had toyed with the idea of doing a series of novellas this Spring, but they had their own idea. Raif and Mercy wanted to be part of Sol’s book. So the next release will be a full length novel and it will be #7 in the Knights of Black Swan serial.

Target date for release is May 1st. Expect another announcement when the release date is firm.

Here’s a brief excerpt.

Kay gave Storm an amused look. “In some ways this feels more familiar than watching TV with my wife. ”

They were separating from Ram and Rev, going opposite ways in an alley. Storm looked back over his shoulder at Ram and Rev walking away. On a whim he called out, “Sol!”

Without hesitation, Rev turned and said, “Yeah?” The four of them stood frozen, Storm and Rev staring at each other, Kay and Ram looking back and forth between the two.

Let it never be said that Ram didn’t know how to handle a situation delicately. “What the fuck, Stormy?”

“You know, that’s a good question, Ram. And well put.” Storm didn’t take his eyes off Rev. “Something you want to tell us.”

Rev pursed his lips before growling. “No.”

“You sure?”

“You gone hard of hearing?”

Storm’s gaze was a concentrated challenge, pinning Rev in place, but he moved in close enough for quiet conversation.

“How about clueing us in, brother,” Kay was as calm as the eye of a hurricane as he nudged Storm. “What’s going on here?”

“Has it seemed to you that there are things about the new Sovereign that seem familiar? Eerily so?”

“Like what?” Ram asked as he eyed Rev from top to bottom.

“Oh, like the fact that he smokes the same brand of Turkish cigars that Sol used to smoke. And lights them with an old school fluid lighter. Then he puts the lighter down in front of him and turns it around and around the same way Sol used to.” Kay turned his attention toward Rev and began regarding him with increased interest. “How about the way he screws up his mouth when he’s aggravated or the way he steeples his fingers when he’s making a decision?”

Rev lifted his chin in defiance and narrowed his eyes at Storm. “And let’s not forget the fact that he took a bead on Farnsworth about thirty seconds after arriving Jefferson Unit. Doesn’t it strike you as a little strange that he handles Sol’s job like he knows what he’s doing? No. Not like he knows what he’s doing. Like he’s done it before!”

Ram eased around in front of Rev so that the three veteran members of B Team appeared united as the inquisitors they had just become. They stood in a dimly lit alley with accusation hanging in the air, waiting for Rev to answer.

“Your imagination’s just got the better of you, Sir Storm.”

“There! Right there. I never met another knight who called me Sir Storm. But Sol did.” Storm glanced at Kay. “All the time. Called me Mr. Storm when I was a kid. Switched to Sir Storm when I was inducted.” He stepped closer to Rev. “When I called Sol’s name, you turned around like you’d been answering to that name your whole life.”

Ram and Kay were giving Rev looks that said the questions weren’t going to go away just by staring Storm down. Finally Rev replied with the cool of an iceberg. “So what are you saying? Exactly? That I’m a body snatcher?”

“What I’m doing right now is asking questions.”

“I don’t have answers for you.”

“Is that because you don’t have an answer or because you can’t answer?” Rev gave nothing away. Storm blinked twice rapidly. “Well, then there’s no harm in sharing this with Simon and the Council.”

“NO!” Rev’s answer was a little too forceful and a little too quick.

“Start talking.”

Rev blew out a breath and looked around at the alley. “Let’s go sit down somewhere private.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll buy a round of drinks and tell you a story. Not about me mind you. A story about a guy I heard of.”

Black Swan – A Return to Romance – Monday, Feb. 10th

Black Swan is getting a new look. Yes, indeed. Some of the covers of your favorite books in the series have gotten a facelift. This week I will present one a day ending Friday – Valentine’s Day – with a cover reveal and announcement regarding the next book. Starting today, Monday, with MOONLIGHT.




Victoria’s unique take on Red Riding Hood.


“Oh, yeah.”

highlight book title to see on Amazon


Not Too Late 1. Midlife Magic

Not Too Late 2. Midlife Blues

Not Too Late. 3. Midlife Mojo

Not Too Late 4. Midlife at Midnight

Not Too Late 5. Midlife at Midsummer

Not Too Late 6. Trials of Tregeagle

Not Too Late 7.  Hallow Hill at Halloween – Part One 

Not Too Late 8. Hallow Hill at Halloween – Part Two


Knights of Black Swan 1. My Familiar Stranger

Knights of Black Swan 2. The Witch’s Dream

Knights of Black Swan 3. A Summoner’s Tale

Knights of Black Swan 4. Moonlight

Knights of Black Swan 5. Gathering Storm

Knights of Black Swan 6. A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Knights of Black Swan 7. Solomon’s Sieve

Knights of Black Swan 8. Vampire Hunter

***Be sure to pause the series and read  Exiled 1. CARNAL before going on to Journey Man.

Knights of Black Swan 9. Journey Man

Knights of Black Swan 10. Falcon

Knights of Black Swan 11. Jax

Knights of Black Swan 12. Trespass

Knights of Black Swan 13. Irish War Cry

Knights of Black Swan 14.  Deliverance

Knights of Black Swan 15. Black Dog

Knights of Black Swan 16. The Music Demon

Order of the Black Swan Novels

Black Swan Novel Prince of Demons


Witches of Wimberley 1-3

Warlock Coven 1.QUEST


Exiled 1. CARNAL

Exiled 2. CRAVE

Exiled 3. CHARMING


New Scotia Pack 1, Shield Wolf

New Scotia Pack 2. Wolf Lover

New Scotia Pack 3. Fire Wolf

Hotblooded 1. Stalk


SSMC Austin, TX, Book 1. Two Princes

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 2. The Biker’s Brother

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 3. Nomad

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 4. Devil’s Marker

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 5. Roadhouse

CDMC Lafayette, LA Book 1. Batiste