My most emotional writing moments…
Perhaps it won’t surprise you that many of them conform to your most emotional reading moments.
There have been three times that I have cried so hard, when writing, that I couldn’t see the PC screen and had to take breaks to get through the scene. 1. Elora’s dolmen labor. 2. Kris Falcon getting a medal. 3. When Storm sees Rosie on a San Francisco street corner and says, “I missed it.”
The sexiest moments I ever wrote were both in My Familiar Stranger. 1. Elora: If you bite me, I will stake you. Baka: If I bite you, I’ll stake myself. 2. Ram tries to draw Elora back into the New Forest cottage. He rubs the collar of her sweater between his fingers and says, “Soft.”
There have been a few times that I have made myself laugh. Baka’s enjoyment of the alley scene wherein he blabs about Elora taking out a vamp with a toothpick. Another not mentioned here, at Derry when Kay has tried to cover up a blunder and tells his sister that his reference to Baka as a vampire is an inside joke. Baka says, “Indeed. Nothing says funny like vampire.”
This was the question as posed on author and fan page on Facebook.
What was your MOST emotional moment in the whole Knights of Black Swan series? (laughter, tears, shock, etc.)
Can’t tell you how much fun I had reading the responses. There were nearly seventy answers in all. Here are the results. I have included a smattering of comments. If yours isn’t here, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t great. We just got a lot.
9. Elora finding out she was pregnant. (Book 1)

8. Spaz on the intercom. (Book 5)
7. Storm waiting at the wall for Litha. (Book 2)

6 CREATION: Prologue to A Tale of Two Kingdoms. (Book 6)

5. Sol’s death. (Book 5)

4. The trainees being honored for heroism. (Book 5)

3. Elora leaving Storm for Ram. (Book 1)

Lindsay Thompson I was so shocked when Elora left with Storm, at first and then realized it was Ram she was meant to be with.
The most emotional for me was when Elora told Ram she wasn’t picking him. I think I died inside! – Sarah, Assistant to Victoria

2. Storm missing Rosie’s childhood. (Book 5)

A. Gathering Storm is the most emotional book. Four out of the top nine answers came from events in Book 5.
B. When reporting emotion, you chose crying over laughter or surprise. Seven out of the top nine answers referred to tear spillage.
C. The #1 event received TWICE as many votes as #2. In other words, it won by a landslide.
In a class by itself.
I admit to being clueless the first time a fan asked for a photo with me and a toothpick. LOL – Victoria

p.s. Somebody always has to be different…

It had to be Elora giving birth among the wolves. No doubt.