Victoria's Favorite Books Read in 2013

This is not a list of books published in 2013. It’s a list of my favorite books read this past year. You may notice that there are no paranormal or scifi books on the list. That’s not for lack of trying. I did read some. They just didn’t make the cut.

As I’ve said many times, before I began writing fiction I read every paranormal and paranormal romance that was of any consequence. Perhaps it was inevitable that I would become either saturated or bored. I have a low tolerance for repetition. Enough said. So this was a year dominated by

1.howtokillarockstar  HOW TO KILL A ROCK STAR by Tiffanie DeBartolo

Published in 2005, this was NEW ADULT years before there was a label for it. Eight years out, but new to me. This is my Number One for 2013. If you love angst, neurotic characters, music and a flawless plot, I suggest you hurry to get this book. My ONLY criticism is that the author hasn’t published anything since.

 2.     OutlanderOutlander by Diana Gabaldon

Published in 2004, this book had been recommended to me dozens of times by friends over the years and for some reason I ignored them. Then one day one of my street team members (Dee Bowerman) mentioned it in response to a Facebook question about what man (as opposed to boy) occupies your real man fantasies. I picked it up ($1.99 Kindle for an incredible 894 pages!!) and read the entire series nonstop. I have now been responsible for several friends finding a new series to cherish. This is a reread waiting to happen – probably several times.

There are really good reasons why – after nine years – it is still ranked… WOW!!

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #14 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)


boyinabandBoy in a Band by Lisa Loomis

This book got my prize for most gut-wrenching story I ever read. I walked around in a funk for three days afterward. This is (I strongly suspect.) a true story disguised as fiction. Knowing that makes the emotional roller coaster almost unbearable. This book was painful and yet I’m not sorry I read it. I’m including a link to my full review.



4. motorcyclemanMotorcycle Man by Kristen Ashley

I have to classify this book as a guilty pleasure. On one level I’m ashamed that I liked it because, as a feminist, I shouldn’t enjoy anything that goes on my “overbearing bad boys” shelf in Goodreads. But underneath the couple’s power struggle there was a charming, sweet and real romance, the kind you rarely get in books, wherein two people are trying to work through the dynamics of melding radically different backgrounds, perspectives, and priorities into a shared life that is exciting and harmonious.


5. thoughtlessThe Thoughtless Trilogy by S.C. Stephens

Riddled with flaws, but still so compelling. This book is categorized as New Adult, but should be paranormal romance because the male lead does not exist in our reality. So long as we give ourselves permission to accept that, just as we do in paranormal, we are freed to relax and enjoy. (Except for all the smacking.)



By |2019-03-25T18:04:41-05:00December 31st, 2013|Victoria Danann|18 Comments

Black Swan Collected Tales, Books 1-6 Release

The Order of the Black Swan is a serial saga including My Familiar Stranger, The Witch’s Dream, A Summoner’s Tale, Moonlight, Gathering Storm, and NEVER BEFORE RELEASED Book 6, A Tale of Two Kingdoms.

Once upon a time a girl lost everything familiar. She escaped death by being forced into an experiment that left her in another world where modern day knights, elves, vampires, werewolves, witches, demons and fae became her allies, friends and family. She discovered a place where adventure intersects fairytales, where honor is more than an ideal, and she learned that love can find you in the strangest places, when you’re least expecting it, even when you’re far, far from home. This is the story of Elora Laiken’s strange and wonderful journey. It is also the story of those whose lives she touches along the way.

If you love romance, paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, urban fantasy, contemporary, this series is right for you. 17+

ISBN: 978-1-933320-94-6

533,000 word

 iTunes     SMASHWORDS    KOBO      B&N 

 On Amazon the set is available as Black Swan Collected Tales, 1-3 and 4-6.

Lovely Letters

Friends of Black Swan, Mark and JoBeth Harris, shared the series with a friend. What a nice surprise to have that friend post this comment on Facebook.

As most of you know I am an avid reader…I love my books and that is how I relax.  I read psychological thrillers, mysteries, espionage some horror and some fantasy/scifi…I am a *huge*snob when it comes to ‘romance’ books…hate them…look down my nose at them…etc.  Which is why I’m writing this little note to everyone…. Mark Harris and JoBeth Sexton-Harris recommended a series of books by… Victoria Danann..they are considered ‘paranormal romance’…so being the snob that I am…I figured I wouldn’t like them but I’d give it a try since none of my regular authors had anything new out….

WOW…was I surprised….

while there is romance in them and would not be recommended for under 17…these are some of the best books I’ve read…I started the first one about a week ago…and am starting the 4th in the series now…the characters are well written, there is mystery, twists, turns…I’ve become ‘friends’ with the characters…can ‘see’ the places described in my head….it is a great series…It’s called The Order of the Black Swan series…well worth the time…the characters are wonderful…I love discovering new authors….thanks Mark and Beth!!!!
Thank you, Tina Talkington.

Hot Halloween Heroes Giveaway Hop


HOP PRIZE: Signed limited edition cover of the upcoming release A Tale of Two Kingdoms. Leave a comment for a chance to win!



On December 8th, the Black Swan box set INCLUDING THE NEVER BEFORE RELEASED Book Six, A Tale of Two Kingdoms, will be available for one week only for $0.99. PREORDER at Smashwords, B&N and Apple starting mid-November. Look for it under Black Swan Collected Tales. Be sure you don’t miss out. BoxSet3DCover


If you don’t already belong to our mailing list, sign up now and we’ll let you know when it’s available for order  MailListGraph2


Yes, Victoria. Real men DO like Black Swan.

Almost missed this write up by this ex-military spouse of a Black Swan fan. It was left as a post on the Facebook fan page and obscured under “posts by others”. I’m so proud of this. Take a look.

By Mark Harris…

I have been a huge science fiction/fantasy/adventure book fan since I was a little boy and I never thought I would say this about a “romance” novel but, I really, really like the Order of the Black Swan series!  I think that what makes these books a better read than any romance novel I’ve ever seen is that they are books of a paranormal nature with romance strategically placed within the storyline.  The reader is not inundated with a person’s fantasy of how love should be; we are simply made privy to the characters world and that world just happens to have love and romance in it. 

What has really drawn me to Victoria Danann’s series is that each character is brought to life in an enrapturing way.  You can’t help but want to read more about each of their lives!  And the masterful storyteller that she is, Victoria doles out each helping of their history in perfect portion.  The first book hooks you, and the rest of them expand your knowledge, understanding, and love of each character.  And because each character is well thought out and fully developed, they support each other in a harmony that can only be described as perfect.

My Familiar Stranger introduces you to the “main characters” of the Black Swan world.  You realize early on that these people will have a bond that transcends time (much like the bond created by military personnel that have served in combat together).  And that bond becomes the center of the storyline.  With all the ups and downs, twists and turns that are a part of any true relationship, these characters take you on a ride that is both fantastic and yet, somehow, familiar (at least to me).  Action, drama, and romance, all seamlessly blended to tell a tale that is so captivating that you can’t help but feel like you are a part of it as it unfolds before you.

Flowing into the second book, The Witch’s Dream, our beloved characters take on a somewhat supporting role as new characters are brought to the limelight.  Just like in the first book, you are at once enthralled by these characters and can’t wait to hear their stories.  And once again, Victoria delivers!  Fantasy becomes reality; the impossible becomes the possible, and all the while, the reader is led through this magical, yet plausible, world with the anticipation of a child waiting to open their Yule presents.

This then leads to A Summoner’s Tale, the third book in the series.  Right from the start you know that this will be yet another adrenaline laced adventure sure to captivate and entertain.  The storyline continues to unfold and in the process we are allowed to explore the history of yet another character, while still being enthralled by the lives of the original characters. 

You cannot have made it this far in the series without, at least once, having said, “That’s what I would have done!”, or “I can so see myself saying that!”

No, I am not a romance novel reader.  But I am a lover of a good story, with wonderful character development, that is able to keep me interested and wanting more.  And, in this respect, Victoria Danann delivers!  Do yourself a favor and pick up the first book…you won’t be disappointed.

As for me, I can’t wait to read the rest of the Order of the Black Swan series!

Follow Ram on Twitter

He tried to get his own book entitled, Ram, The Magnificient, by extorting me with the threat of opening his own twitter account. When I refused to comply, he made good on the blackmail.

There’s no one more pig headed or strong willed. So I can only hope that I can stay close behind with effective damage control because there’s just no telling what he will say.

– Victoria


October 30th on Alphas, Authors & Books Oh My … My list of the top gothic horror books that gave roots to modern paranormal romance.


Don’t miss the interview with Stalkson Grey at Paranormal Cravings on October 31st!!


The incubus, Deliverance, is NOT getting his own book, but he IS getting his own hour at this fabulous paranormal speed dating event.


Great Chances to win Black Swan E-Books for yourself or friends by particpating in these blog hops.

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Sexy athletic body

Starting All Over Again

NOR300x250On December 8th, the sixth book of the saga will release.

The problem with writing a serial saga, as opposed to a series of stand alone books, is that people will be lost if they don’t start at the beginning with Book #1. At the very least, the reader’s enjoyment will be compromised if all the details and characters aren’t understood with the depth and complexity intended. That’s the downside.

The upside is that there is an exquisite pleasure in an ongoing story that is not available in loosely related novels. It’s swimming in the deep end instead of always standing in thigh deep water. The overarching story available to the author of saga allows for an experience of total submersion that the short starts and stops of individual novels can’t aspire to. It’s SO satisfying to write. I’m these characters’ number one fan.

Initiation into this experiment in paranormal romance begins at the beginning

…with My Familiar Stranger, the first book which is “perma-free” and available everywhere. So, regardless of my excitement about the latest installment release, it all comes back to the beginning.

Interview with Ram #3

An Interview with Ram

Victoria: Well, Sir Hawking. Always a pleasure.

Ram: So you say.

Victoria: Come on. For once could we just have a quiet and cordial conversation? Can I make you tea?

Ram: (slouches in chair and gives me a look of incredulity, which is distracting because the slouch posture is very sexy and I’m supposed to be concentrating on the interview and not another woman’s husband) ‘Tis your best plan for makin’ up to me? Fuckin’ tea?

Victoria: Well, uh, I can’t say that I actually had a plan per se. Did you have something else in mind? Something you wanted?

Ram: You know perfectly well what I want.

Victoria: I know it probably seems that way, but it’s not entirely true. I suspect that you want to go back to your little bit of Irish heaven with Elora, Helm, and Blackie and raise Alsatian dogs in quiet familial bliss.

Ram: Could no’ have said it better myself. Like I said, you know perfectly well what the fuck I want.

Victoria: Yes, but are you sure? I mean you lived a pretty tumultuous life as a vampire slayer. You’re the most celebrated Black Swan knight of the last hundred years. That’s a lot of excitement to trade in for life on the farm.

Ram: Aye. And I can no’ wait to be doin’ precisely that. You, mistress, have the power to make that happen with a simple stroke of the pen. Or click of the keyboard or whatever.

Victoria: I could, but here’s the thing. I saw the little smile and the dark twinkle in your eyes when I was just talking about you as legendary hunter. I know you love the recognition. Remember how you felt when Elora gushed all over you, repeatedly. “Oh, Ram, your portrait is so handsome, your beauty captured for all time here, where you belong, in the Hall of Heroes. You’re perfection personified. So special, so unique, unlike any other.” (I delivered this paraphrase in an exaggerated mock-Elora voice.)

Ram: (laughing) Aye, you have me there, mistress. Who would no’ fuckin’ crave hearin’ such thin’s from his beautiful mate?

Victoria: Everyone longs for that sort of attention, Ram. The point is that you don’t get that sort of attention down home on the farm.

Ram: Perhaps ‘no. But as was pointed out in Book Five in a tussle over whether or no’ Storm and I would be playin’ rugby, I’m no’ gettin’ younger. Will you be gettin’ me sliced up in bar fights when I’m ninety then? Give the others their fair chance at sheet time.

Victoria: But you’re my favorite, Ram.

Ram: (gaping) And bein’ your favorite means always bein’ one fuckin’ step away from catastrophe?

Victoria: Well… yes. Fact is, slogging about in Wellies feeding chickens and watering wolf-dogs is not novel-worthy because, well, because it’s not novel.

Ram: For the moment, let’s be leavin’ me out o’ the discussion. What about my wife? The injuries you’ve visited on me are paper cuts next to what you do to her. Great Paddy in the Mornin’. The way you punish her is beyond… (stops abruptly, narrows eyes, then pins me with a glare) So I’m your favorite, am I? Are you jealous of my wife?

Victoria: What? Of course not!

Ram: Jealous enough to be punishin’ her in unspeakable ways?

Victoria: No! Ram! Do you hear yourself? That’s crazy talk.

Ram: Oh? ‘Twas you who’s so fond o’ sayin’ the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. And that is, without a doubt, the simplest explanation.

Victoria: This is an exception to that rule.

Ram: After everythin’ she went through to reach my world, you would think a writer with heart would be seekin’ to brin’ her only happiness.

Victoria: Again, happiness without incident? Not interesting.

Ram: Cold-hearted bitch. Tell your husband I said ‘tis unbelievable you snagged a mate.

Victoria: If that was true, the cold-hearted bitch part, shouldn’t you be trying to suck up to me instead of insulting me?

Ram: Well, then I would no’ be the hot-blooded rash personality you’re so hot for, would I?

Victoria: (nothing to say to that)

Ram: So here’s my proposition. If you want me to continue cooperatin’ with your farfetched ridiculous pain-in-the-ass stories that no one in their right mind would be believin’, which – by the way – says quite a lo’ about your readers, then you will lay off my wife. AND my child.

Victoria: First, my readers are perfectly sane. They have excellent taste in literature and marvelous creative imaginations.

Ram: (smirks)

Victoria: You may be my favorite, at least you were before this interview, but the Black Swan saga is Elora’s story. I can’t make promises about the entire future of the tale, but I can promise you that Elora and Helm pass through Book Six without injury. How’s that?

Ram: (considers) How ‘bout me?

Victoria: (seeing the opportunity for pay back, smiles wickedly) You, my love, will have to wait and see.

Ram: Paddy.

Victoria: Exactly.




The Attack on J.U. Playlist.

Music from Spazmodoc, The Voice of the Fray.

1. DANCE HALL DAYS (Wang Chung)

Audio Player

2. STAYIN’ ALIVE (BeeGees)

Audio Player

3. HANGIN’ TOUGH (New Kids on the Block)

Audio Player

4. MAMA TOLD ME NOT TO COME (Three Dog Night)

Audio Player

5. LOSING MY RELIGION (Scary Kids Scaring Kids)

Audio Player


Audio Player

highlight book title to see on Amazon


Not Too Late 1. Midlife Magic

Not Too Late 2. Midlife Blues

Not Too Late. 3. Midlife Mojo

Not Too Late 4. Midlife at Midnight

Not Too Late 5. Midlife at Midsummer

Not Too Late 6. Trials of Tregeagle

Not Too Late 7.  Hallow Hill at Halloween – Part One 

Not Too Late 8. Hallow Hill at Halloween – Part Two


Knights of Black Swan 1. My Familiar Stranger

Knights of Black Swan 2. The Witch’s Dream

Knights of Black Swan 3. A Summoner’s Tale

Knights of Black Swan 4. Moonlight

Knights of Black Swan 5. Gathering Storm

Knights of Black Swan 6. A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Knights of Black Swan 7. Solomon’s Sieve

Knights of Black Swan 8. Vampire Hunter

***Be sure to pause the series and read  Exiled 1. CARNAL before going on to Journey Man.

Knights of Black Swan 9. Journey Man

Knights of Black Swan 10. Falcon

Knights of Black Swan 11. Jax

Knights of Black Swan 12. Trespass

Knights of Black Swan 13. Irish War Cry

Knights of Black Swan 14.  Deliverance

Knights of Black Swan 15. Black Dog

Knights of Black Swan 16. The Music Demon

Order of the Black Swan Novels

Black Swan Novel Prince of Demons


Witches of Wimberley 1-3

Warlock Coven 1.QUEST


Exiled 1. CARNAL

Exiled 2. CRAVE

Exiled 3. CHARMING


New Scotia Pack 1, Shield Wolf

New Scotia Pack 2. Wolf Lover

New Scotia Pack 3. Fire Wolf

Hotblooded 1. Stalk


SSMC Austin, TX, Book 1. Two Princes

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 2. The Biker’s Brother

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 3. Nomad

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 4. Devil’s Marker

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 5. Roadhouse

CDMC Lafayette, LA Book 1. Batiste