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Willem Released Today!

WILLEM teaser 2

You won’t want to miss the launch of my new series, The Witches of Wimberley. It’s ripe and ready. Grab your copy now!



“Enchanted from the very first page. I couldn’t put it down!” – Night Owl Reviews 5* TOP PICK

“I wish I could give it more than 5 stars!” – Romance Authors That Rock

“It’s always fun when you silently talk to the book.” – Nook Books and More

“Bright. Fun. Happy.” – Read to Live, Live to Read


Willem is an out of work actor. He gave himself ten years to make it and never got a single paying job. While waiting for what would probably be his last audition ever, the guy standing behind him in line gave him a card with a phone number and said, “If you’re definitely quitting, try the witches.”

He took the card for the sake of being polite and planned to throw it away, but didn’t He called the number, entered the annual competition to win a witch, and won. To his amazement, he got everything he’d ever wanted from life. There’s only one problem. Willem can’t accept what’s being offered because he doesn’t believe in love.


What early readers say:

“So entranced I almost missed my subway stop.”

“Now, I need to know is Wimberley real?”

“…just what I expected from the ‘Witchy Woman’ herself.”

“Now I’m seriously craving sweet tea!”

“Had me sitting on the edge of my seat.”

‘Characters so memorable I fully expect to run across them.”

“excited, happy, laughing, in awe, happy ..madder than a wet hen! Shed a few tears., back to being happy again.”

“Damn you Victoria you made me cry again.”



By |June 24th, 2016|0 Comments

WILLEM, coming June 24

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“Lyra, this is Willem.”

“Oh, yes. Willem. Are you having fun?”

“I, ah, yes. I just got here.”

“Have you had something to eat? We wouldn’t want you to be hungry and there’s so much food!”

“I’ll never forget the food.”

She barked out a laugh. “You hope!”

It took me a second to catch up and remember about the memory wipe thing.

“Well, yeah, I guess I do hope I remember.”

Her grin resolved into a smile. “So tell me what you’re going to do with your life if you win, Willem.”

“You know, that still sounds like one of those what-would-you-do-if-you-got-a-million-dollars questions. It feels too unreal to take seriously.”

She nodded. “A good solid honest answer. I like that.” After studying me for a few seconds, she said, “Okay. You passed my test. Let me introduce you to Lilith.”

She turned me around when she took my arm and, as she did, I happened to catch a heated look exchanged between Harmony and Raider. It was an, “Ah hah,” moment immediately followed by an, “Oh, crap,” moment when I realized that, if I won Harmony’s sister, Raider would be my brother-in-law. I understood why he was happy enough to star in the Orientation video and babysit inexperienced canoers on the river. She was a catch and he knew it.

I decided there are worse things than being in Raider’s family. He didn’t actually finish drowning me in the river, but at the time it felt like he was trying. On the other hand, he insisted on showing me to the ballroom. And he called me ‘hero’. Who couldn’t get used to that?

I was ushered from one beautiful woman to the next and each took measure of me in her own way. It was an interview, or audition, but it was the most pleasant I’d ever experienced. Or ever would, I was sure.

Still, after an hour or so, I was getting hungry. When Bless tried to walk me to another chat, I balked.

“Hey, could you maybe give me a couple of minutes to partake of some of the amazing feast stations? I haven’t eaten and that guy in the other part of the house carving that prime rib really spoke to me.”

Bless had a laugh that didn’t exactly sound like tinkling bells, but reminded me of them just the same. “Certainly, Willem. Would you like me to accompany you?”

“That would be…” I happened to look away and notice that most of the conversational groups in the room consisted of clusters of contestants, not a witch in sight. I realized that’s what I’d been seeing the whole time whenever I looked away from the woman I was talking with. “Bless, I hope this isn’t an inappropriate question, but am I getting special treatment?”

Bless treated me to an extra big helping of her tinkling bells laugh. “Willem, you’re quite perceptive. And you’ve passed my test.”

“You know, you’re the sixth or seventh person to say that to me. Is this a gauntlet of gorgeous women in sexy red dresses?”

Again the laugh. “I love that description. You’re quite a character, Willem. You would fit in around here.” As she smiled at me, she grabbed the elbow of another beauty passing by. “Glory, this is Willem.”

When Glory smiled, I knew how she was named. “Hi, Willem.”

“He’s hungry and headed in the direction of prime rib.”

“Of course he is. I don’t see a man like this eating watercress.”

“Yes, well, perhaps you’d like to accompany him while he dines.”

Glory seemed as ecstatic as if she’d won the prize herself. “Of course! Willem. I’d be honored.”

She slipped her arm in mind and walked me to the prime rib. “What would you like with that?” she asked. “While Raleigh is slicing your rib just the way you want it, I’ll gather up something to go with.”

“You sure?”

“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.”

“Okay, then. Caesar salad. And did I see au gratin potatoes?” She nodded. “That should do.”

She pointed to a table at the rear of the room. “I’ll meet you right there.”

She was there with salad and spuds before I arrived with a hunk of prime rib that smelled so good it was all I could do to not face plant into the plate and tear into it with my teeth. Somehow I managed to preserve enough dignity to sit and take a few bites of salad before digging into my current reason for living with fork and knife.

Out of nowhere a waiter appeared on my right pouring red wine into my glass. That was followed with a delivery of ice water seconds later.

“You’ve eaten?” I asked Glory, who sat smiling with her legs crossed as if there’s nothing in the universe she’d rather be doing than watching me eat.

“Much earlier.”

Someone appeared with a mint garnished drink that I hadn’t heard Glory order.

“I’ve decided that Wimberley must have the best service in the world. I’m certain the queen of England is envious.”

She smiled. “Don’t you know you get what you pay for, Willem?”

“So I’ve heard. I’m just a middle class boy from Alabama so I wouldn’t have much personal experience in that department.”

“You don’t strike me as someone who thinks of Golden Bull Buffet as a special occasion.”

“I had some nice times courtesy of my agent.”

“Your agent? Oh, that’s right. You were an actor.”

“How is it that everyone seems to know me by name? And, obviously, some know more than just my name. Have you memorized bios on all fifty contestants? And come to think of it, why did you say ‘were an actor’?”

“First, yes. We look over incoming guests. Second, some of us just learn names, some of us read more and have good recall. Third, you told our people in L.A. that you’re done with acting. That puts it in the past tense, right?”

“Right. So, should I be asking questions about you?”

She grinned. “You’re funny, Willem.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because you have been asking questions.”

Hearing her say it out loud, I realized that was true.

“This prime rib is indescribable. And the wine, he didn’t ask me for a preference, but I’ve gotta tell you. It’s amazing.”

“If you win, you’ll eat whatever you want when you want it. As far as the staff goes, they’re very skilled at reading people and anticipating needs.”

“Or desires.”

“You’re quick, Willem. I like that. And you’ve passed my test.”


By |June 13th, 2016|2 Comments

Wolf Pack Run, June 8 – 10

Wolf Pack Run June 2016

Celebrate summer with the Wolf Pack authors!

All the reads below are 99¢ or f*r*e*e!

Scroll to the bottom of this page for a special giveaway!


Sale ends Friday!


REMEMBER:  Check prices before you buy. They can change without notice.

A demon gives a werewolf king a second change at love he thought he’d never have.
Can this couple defeat an evil with no conscience and only the desire for vengeance to find their forever love?
He needs a mate for a weekend, and she needs a vacation…
Breezy has just become the focus of a deranged killer. Will Xan be able to save her before whoever is out to end her life succeeds?
She has one year to mate and ten sexy alpha males wolves to choose from.
Can werewolf Talia trust the new pack that rescued her, or will they betray her too?
Can a wizard and a dryad defeat the evil festering in Manhattan?
Mal moved to Cedarville to start a new life and found so much more.
Will his darkside catch up to him before he finds his mate?
What happens when a grown up Red meets her big, bad wolf?
Can Vampire, Ronan, find and save the Dragon being hunted on his patch in time!
Canidae has upped their antics and planed to hurt Owen where he feels it most. He’ll need to protect those in his pack and the little Rabbit that has found herself in the wolf’s den.
Will vampire Sebastian be able to save Serenity from herself?
The Norseston alpha plays matchmaker for four of the pack’s lonely, rough-around-the-edges, single wolves.
On the run…into the arms of forbidden love.
In a world where vampires are real, blood is a financial asset and sex mixed with blood commands the highest price.
An innocent girl is tossed into the tiger’s den.
A bear shifter and a naiad try to find their escaped prisoner before time runs out.
What would you sacrifice to save the one you love?
We put the “sin” in casino. What happens when a water elemental meets a firebrand? Lots of steamy paranormal action!
I’ll either be Nash’s secret weapon–or the downfall of his coven.
To save my best friend’s life, I must go undercover as a blood courtesan.
Wolves are beasts in bed. And two are better than one…

Join The Wolf Pack Facebook group!

It’s the place to be for readers who like a good howl:

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Win a $100 or $50 gift card!

By |June 8th, 2016|0 Comments

CRAVE Releases Today!

Crave Teaser 1



Join us for the NOON to NINE event on Facebook! Contests, prizes, information on upcoming books and series, and incoming Crave reviews. 

If you love paranormal romance, you cannot miss the ultimate HEA follow up to Carnal.




KOBO buy now


Crave surpassed the limits of mortal endurance and survived years of torture by the Rautt. He’d been isolated, chained in darkness, kept in filth, starved, taken to the point of death only to be restored so that his enemies could begin the cycle again. His family thought he was dead, but the woman who’d held his heart and his promise never gave up hope.

After his rescue, his memory and sanity gone, Dandy will plumb the depths of love to bring him back from hell, while his family and community set out to prove to him that he’ll never be alone again.

This is the best thing I’ve written since A Summoner’s Tale. – Victoria


8 years earlier

Dandy and Crave had taken the hike up the western mountain to the waterfall pool. Everyone knew where it was, but few people went because the effort to get there was worth mention. 

The pool was small, only fifteen feet across, but the water was beautiful and clear. It was also cold since it began its journey higher up as snow melt. Crave thought it was the prettiest spot in the world, surrounded by pink granite outcroppings, aspens and evergreen trees.

They’d removed their clothes and jumped in, Dandy shrieking about the cold while he pretended to be immune and laughed at her. They swam and splashed, but after a time ended up kissing and exploring each other’s postpubescent bodies. 

In many ways Dandy thought those first shy touches were the most erotic things that would ever happen to her. It was then and there that Crave had also declared. 

“I love you, Dandy. You’re my Promise.”

She laughed. “You can’t just say I’m your Promise, Crave. You have to ask me. Don’t you know that?”

He looked a little hurt, but started again. “Dandelion. I love you. Are you going to be my Promise or not?”

“I will.” She smiled showing off her white teeth. Then she grew serious as a thundercloud. “But I’d better never catch you with another female.”

Crave was offended at the suggestion. Even in his fantasies, the only female he could imagine mounting was Dandelion. “I wouldn’t do that.” Understanding flitted across his boyish features as he considered the implications and his expression changed to a look of worry. “Same for you. Right? No other males.”

Dandy smiled a perfectly coy female smile and drew closer. “I would never, Crave,” she breathed. “You’re my Promise.” 

His forehead smoothed as he relaxed then promptly dunked her under with a mischievous grin.

By |May 20th, 2016|0 Comments

VH 100 Reviews Today!



amazonstarsrating“Author Victoria Danann has a surefire hit!” – Night Owl Reviews TOP PICK

amazonstarsrating“…it’s so good that I could read over and over again. – Bitten by Love

amazonstarsrating“I wish I could give this more than 5 stars, it’s that good. I couldn’t put it down!” – Paranormal Romance & Authors That Rock

amazonstarsrating“…thoroughly enjoyed.”– Vampire Romance

Ram’s book is partly My Familiar Stranger retold from his unique point of view with chapter insights from other significant characters. The story begins the first time he runs away to the wild magic of the New Forest at age ten, follows his recruitment by Black Swan along with his training to be a vampire hunter, tells the story of the death of his first partner, and his romance with Elora Laiken.

By |April 18th, 2016|1 Comment

JOURNEY MAN released


For five years, Glendennon Catch had knocked around the globe as a floater, filling in wherever a team of vampire hunters was down a member. He’d buried six good knights and watched the life take its toll on countless others. He’d drunk his share of whiskey and bedded so many women he would hate to hear the count, but he’d never gotten over his first love. And, if he had a chance for a do-over, he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t have chosen Rosie Storm over The Order.

Elora Rose Storm had spent five years nursing a heavy heart, while on a cross-dimensional mission to make the world a better place, especially wherever she found human/animal hybrids being mistreated. She’d seen horrors, righted wrongs where she could, and matured into a powerful witch/demon with altruistic leanings.

After all that time, unbeknownst to each other, both were headed home. To Jefferson Unit.

By |March 13th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , |3 Comments

highlight book title to see on Amazon


Not Too Late 1. Midlife Magic

Not Too Late 2. Midlife Blues

Not Too Late. 3. Midlife Mojo

Not Too Late 4. Midlife at Midnight

Not Too Late 5. Midlife at Midsummer

Not Too Late 6. Trials of Tregeagle

Not Too Late 7.  Hallow Hill at Halloween – Part One 

Not Too Late 8. Hallow Hill at Halloween – Part Two


Knights of Black Swan 1. My Familiar Stranger

Knights of Black Swan 2. The Witch’s Dream

Knights of Black Swan 3. A Summoner’s Tale

Knights of Black Swan 4. Moonlight

Knights of Black Swan 5. Gathering Storm

Knights of Black Swan 6. A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Knights of Black Swan 7. Solomon’s Sieve

Knights of Black Swan 8. Vampire Hunter

***Be sure to pause the series and read  Exiled 1. CARNAL before going on to Journey Man.

Knights of Black Swan 9. Journey Man

Knights of Black Swan 10. Falcon

Knights of Black Swan 11. Jax

Knights of Black Swan 12. Trespass

Knights of Black Swan 13. Irish War Cry

Knights of Black Swan 14.  Deliverance

Knights of Black Swan 15. Black Dog

Knights of Black Swan 16. The Music Demon

Order of the Black Swan Novels

Black Swan Novel Prince of Demons


Witches of Wimberley 1-3

Warlock Coven 1.QUEST


Exiled 1. CARNAL

Exiled 2. CRAVE

Exiled 3. CHARMING


New Scotia Pack 1, Shield Wolf

New Scotia Pack 2. Wolf Lover

New Scotia Pack 3. Fire Wolf

Hotblooded 1. Stalk


SSMC Austin, TX, Book 1. Two Princes

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 2. The Biker’s Brother

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 3. Nomad

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 4. Devil’s Marker

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 5. Roadhouse

CDMC Lafayette, LA Book 1. Batiste