Interview with Stalkson Grey 10/31/13
Victoria: First, thank you for agreeing to the interview. I know this is not your favorite sort of thing. Let me take just a moment to make sure your readers are on the same page, so to speak. Stalkson Grey, is a werewolf who first appeared in The Order of the Black Swan serial saga in Book Two, The Witch’s Dream. His character, as king of the Elk Mountain, Idaho werewolf tribe, was arrogant and more or less insufferable.
Grey: Now just a minute!
Victoria: He turns up again in Book Four, Moonlight, and gives a rousing performance as my somewhat loosely associated version of Red Riding Hood’s big bad wolf. Now then. Grey, I understand congratulations are in order. The elders named you king of the new northern werewolf colony in Lunark dimension.
Grey: (nods)
Victoria: Forgive me for being blunt, but I thought you didn’t want to be king, too much responsibility and all that.
Grey: I didn’t. I don’t. It just turns out that I hate being told what to do more than I hate having the responsibility for everybody’s welfare.
Victoria: I see. So how is it going? I see you’re looking rather casual.
Grey: (Glances down at his pants and smiles. He was shirtless and wearing the same soft doeskin pants that Deliverance favors.) Yes. We don’t have many functions that require waistcoats.
Victoria: Waistcoats. No. I suppose not. Those pants look a lot like what Deliverance wears. And didn’t I hear that you named the new colony Deliverance?
Grey: Yes.
Victoria: Yes? Just yes?
Grey: The demon hooked me up with the pants. The new colony is named Deliverance.
Victoria: Okay. Shall we assume the colony was named for the demon?
Grey: Assume whatever you like.
Victoria: Come on. Work with me a little here.
Grey: All right. I named it Deliverance partly because the demon brought us here, partly because we were delivered from years of worry and misconception about extinction of our species, partly because of the reality of being delivered from the cancerous, avaricious behavior of the humans, and partly because the migration was my delivery into a new life. Like being born again.
Victoria: (It took me a minute to absorb all that.) Wow.
Grey: (He rolled one shoulder in a graceful, athletic shrug.)
Victoria: So how’s Luna? It can’t be easy to be a new wife and adjust to life on a frontier at the same time.
Grey: (He blinded me with a boyish grin that made him look like he was in his early twenties.) Happy. Pregnant. With twins! (He chuckled.) She tells everybody that Lunark Dimension was named after her. She’s well-liked by the other human mates and her skills as healer, well, we needed them. She’s teaching the others.
Victoria: (I couldn’t help but smile at that.) That’s nice, Grey. I’m glad it’s working out for both of you. When are the babies due?
Grey: Mid-winter. We’ll make it work.
Victoria: Do you want girls or boys?
Grey: (He grinned again.) Girls.
Hot Halloween Heroes Giveaway Hop
HOP PRIZE: Signed limited edition cover of the upcoming release A Tale of Two Kingdoms. Leave a comment for a chance to win!
On December 8th, the Black Swan box set INCLUDING THE NEVER BEFORE RELEASED Book Six, A Tale of Two Kingdoms, will be available for one week only for $0.99. PREORDER at Smashwords, B&N and Apple starting mid-November. Look for it under Black Swan Collected Tales. Be sure you don’t miss out.
If you don’t already belong to our mailing list, sign up now and we’ll let you know when it’s available for order 
Yes, Victoria. Real men DO like Black Swan.
Almost missed this write up by this ex-military spouse of a Black Swan fan. It was left as a post on the Facebook fan page and obscured under “posts by others”. I’m so proud of this. Take a look.
By Mark Harris…
I have been a huge science fiction/fantasy/adventure book fan since I was a little boy and I never thought I would say this about a “romance” novel but, I really, really like the Order of the Black Swan series! I think that what makes these books a better read than any romance novel I’ve ever seen is that they are books of a paranormal nature with romance strategically placed within the storyline. The reader is not inundated with a person’s fantasy of how love should be; we are simply made privy to the characters world and that world just happens to have love and romance in it.
What has really drawn me to Victoria Danann’s series is that each character is brought to life in an enrapturing way. You can’t help but want to read more about each of their lives! And the masterful storyteller that she is, Victoria doles out each helping of their history in perfect portion. The first book hooks you, and the rest of them expand your knowledge, understanding, and love of each character. And because each character is well thought out and fully developed, they support each other in a harmony that can only be described as perfect.
My Familiar Stranger introduces you to the “main characters” of the Black Swan world. You realize early on that these people will have a bond that transcends time (much like the bond created by military personnel that have served in combat together). And that bond becomes the center of the storyline. With all the ups and downs, twists and turns that are a part of any true relationship, these characters take you on a ride that is both fantastic and yet, somehow, familiar (at least to me). Action, drama, and romance, all seamlessly blended to tell a tale that is so captivating that you can’t help but feel like you are a part of it as it unfolds before you.
Flowing into the second book, The Witch’s Dream, our beloved characters take on a somewhat supporting role as new characters are brought to the limelight. Just like in the first book, you are at once enthralled by these characters and can’t wait to hear their stories. And once again, Victoria delivers! Fantasy becomes reality; the impossible becomes the possible, and all the while, the reader is led through this magical, yet plausible, world with the anticipation of a child waiting to open their Yule presents.
This then leads to A Summoner’s Tale, the third book in the series. Right from the start you know that this will be yet another adrenaline laced adventure sure to captivate and entertain. The storyline continues to unfold and in the process we are allowed to explore the history of yet another character, while still being enthralled by the lives of the original characters.
You cannot have made it this far in the series without, at least once, having said, “That’s what I would have done!”, or “I can so see myself saying that!”
No, I am not a romance novel reader. But I am a lover of a good story, with wonderful character development, that is able to keep me interested and wanting more. And, in this respect, Victoria Danann delivers! Do yourself a favor and pick up the first book…you won’t be disappointed.
As for me, I can’t wait to read the rest of the Order of the Black Swan series!
CABAL of HOTNESS Giveaway Hop
On December 8th, the Black Swan box set INCLUDING THE NEVER BEFORE RELEASED Book Six, A Tale of Two Kingdoms, will be available for one week only for $0.99. PREORDER at Smashwords, B&N and Apple starting mid-November. Look for it under Black Swan Collected Tales. Be sure you don’t miss out.
If you don’t already belong to our mailing list, sign up now and we’ll let you know when it’s available for order 
Leave a comment to tell me why you’d love to win a print of my Black Swan covers signed by me. – Victoria
Grandprize: Choice of Amazon or B&N $100 gift card.
Second place: Choice of Amazon or B&N $50 gift card.
3rd place: Choice of Amazon or B&N $25 gift card.
CLICK “HOP PRIZE” to go to RAFFLECOPTER for entry.
Please hop to the next stop, but like my Facebook page before you go. Thank you.
Follow Ram on Twitter
He tried to get his own book entitled, Ram, The Magnificient, by extorting me with the threat of opening his own twitter account. When I refused to comply, he made good on the blackmail.
There’s no one more pig headed or strong willed. So I can only hope that I can stay close behind with effective damage control because there’s just no telling what he will say.
– Victoria